On an accompanied shopping trip your consultant will meet you at your regular supermarket or store and help you navigate the complexity of food labelling through to where to find the more unusual ingredients using your regular shopping list and/or your new list of ingredients following a consultation. Whatever your budget or supermarket from waitrose to asdas, our consultants can help you to make healthier choices without affecting the “bottom line”!
Kitchen cupboard assessment (includes an individual shopping list)
You may have been trying to lose weight or reached a plateau, or it may just be that the ingredients you are using need to be swapped, or your individual plan just doesn’t seem to be working. Whilst we ask all clients to complete a 5 day food diary, this is just a snap shot, and from experience we know that people will alter their eating/cooking patterns when they have to put what they eat and drink down in writing.
By carrying out a kitchen cupboard assessment we can identify some “trigger” foods that simply may not have been eaten while completing the food diary. It also enables us to prepare a more focused action plan based around the foods that you would normally eat. It may just be that that the cupboard basics that you are currently using need to be swapped for a different brand with a slightly different blend of ingredients that will enable you to achieve your goals. The cupboard assessment will be accompanied with a tailored shopping list.
By carrying out a kitchen cupboard assessment we can identify some “trigger” foods that simply may not have been eaten while completing the food diary. It also enables us to prepare a more focused action plan based around the foods that you would normally eat. It may just be that that the cupboard basics that you are currently using need to be swapped for a different brand with a slightly different blend of ingredients that will enable you to achieve your goals. The cupboard assessment will be accompanied with a tailored shopping list.
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